Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
Do I need the services of a professional recruitment consultancy firm?
At PCA Nursing we fully understand that not every vacancy requires the services of a Recruitment Consultancy firm, however we provide a free advice service on such things as the present situation on the market regarding good nursing candidates, present salary expectations, advice based on our experience as to where you will find suitable candidates and many more.
Please see our simple point’s document which should help you in your decision.
We are opening a new Nursing Home and need assistance with these openings as well as back filling positions in our other Nursing Home. What can PCA Nursing do to assist with this?
It is PCA Nursing’s plan to get a name in the market place for this type of service. It is an incredible feat and just as rewarding to assist a new Nursing Home with their staffing requirements. PCA Nursing can dedicate a team of recruiters working virtually who will source, screen, and schedule candidates for interviews. Onsite, PCA Nursing Consultants have experience with the full cycle and simply act as an extension of your recruitment team.
Do I need some recruiting assistance?
PCA Nursing has experience providing specialty specific nurse recruitment. Through database mining, job board searching, call saturation, and working closely with our partners in Poland, Romania, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Hungary. PCA Nursing has been successful creating solid candidate pipelines of highly qualified nurses with a definite interest in working with the elderly.
We have complicated recruitment needs due to confidentiality etc. Can PCA Nursing assist us?
Absolutely. We have experience placing complex nursing job orders. If your position is related to nursing elderly care there is a strong possibility that we have solid experience recruiting for it. If we do not have experience recruiting for a particular position, we will be very upfront about that.
What can I expect regarding time to hire once I have engaged your services?
At PCA Nursing we keep very close track of all our metrics, at present it is taking us 41 days from point of engagement to the actual start date of the new nurse. This is obviously an average and in many cases we will accomplish this in a quicker time period. However there are cases where it takes longer and even though very rare there will also be cases where we will not fill the position. Please be assured that we will keep you informed at every stage of the process and if we are having problems you will be the first to know.
Is a recruitment project to another EU country for me?
Recruitment projects are not suitable for all clients or situations. We would normally only recommend this type of recruitment to clients looking for 5 or more nursing staff at one time. It is an opportunity to interview multiple screened candidates in one day and potentially fill all you vacant nursing posts in one shot. These recruitment projects are very well managed and will be conducted in one of our locations in Hungary, Poland or Romania.
If you are looking for less than 5 nurses then we can arrange for the candidates (at your cost) to fly in for face to face interviews. We would normally recommend a Skype interview to begin with and then short listing from there. We would not recommend that you make offers solely based on a Skype interview.
There are many companies like yours offering similar services, why should I engage PCA Nursing?
It can take anywhere from two days to two months to launch a project. It depends on the size of the project. PCA Nursing will never begin a project if everything is not in place.
Can you send me material in the mail?
Sure. But all of our information is available on our website. We want to be nice to the trees.
What is the process to get started?
First, we discuss your recruitment needs, what you have tried in the past, and what solutions you have in mind. PCA Nursing will create a proposal around that as well as their own recruitment solutions suggestion. In some cases we will inform you that we will not be able to help. If both parties agree that this partnership is beneficial, an associate from PCA Nursing will visit your Nursing Home to meet with your recruiting team, Director of Nursing, and to get a solid feel for your culture, geographical area. During this time, a process will be put in place to implement the project.
What is the time frame between initial discussion and project launch?
It can take anywhere from two days to two months to launch a project. It depends on the size of the project. PCA Nursing will never begin a project if everything is not in place.